Kubernetes Config Sync: The Game-Changer for Multi-Cluster Configuration Management

Kubernetes Config Sync: The Game-Changer for Multi-Cluster Configuration Management

Discover the power of Kubernetes Config Sync in this comprehensive video!

Learn how to streamline your cluster management and eliminate configuration chaos by syncing your configs across multiple clusters from one single repository.

In this easy-to-follow video, we dive into what Config Sync is, how to set it up on GCP,  explore best practices, and demonstrate config sync in a live demo.  Say goodbye to manual config updates and hello to seamless, automated synchronization.


  • Maintaining a consistent set of configurations and policies across environments can become a challenge especially as companies grow in size.
  • The need for a way to manage these consistency across clusters/environments becomes apparent.

What is Config Sync?

Config sync is an "open source" tool by google that allows you:

  • Manage and sync configurations/policies to your Kubernetes clusters.
  • Source: Any git repository (github, bitbucket, sourcerepos), OCI images and helm charts
  • Single or multiple clusters
  • Based on gitops principles
  • YAML or JSON configs



How to Setup Config Sync

If you are using a GKE cluster, then you can simply opt in for google's managed config sync.

GKE Clusters

  • Enable it on the UI
  • Enable it using Terraform

Non GKE Clusters

  • Install Manually

Demo: https://youtu.be/1NWzWML8hr4